What does it mean to be an English Learner at CISK and how does TEP help?
The English Learner (EL) definition at CISK is as follows: An English Language Learner is a student who, as indicated by their parent or guardian, (1) initially learned a language other than English, (2) comes from a home where a language other than English is spoken, or (3) predominantly communicates in a language other than English. At CISK, a student's English language proficiency is assessed through an English Language Proficiency Assessment to determine their lack of necessary English skills required for full participation in classes taught in English. The WIDA English Language Proficiency Assessment, which evaluates reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, is utilized for this purpose.
image from https://wida.wisc.edu
Once a student meets the CISK English Learner definition, they are assessed, and determined if they qualify for enrollment in TEP (Transitional English Program), which provides assistance and support for their English language learning in subject specific classes throughout grades 6-10 (MYP). Parents will receive notification of their child's placement within three weeks of enrollment. In addition, progression through TEP involves regular evaluation of students' progress from both their TEP teachers and their Language Acquisition teachers.
Once students demonstrate a level of success that allows them to thrive without additional support, they will transition from TEP courses into Language and Literature classes in the MYP program. Typically, this transition occurs when students consistently achieve levels 7-8 across most criteria or when the teacher determines they are ready based on professional judgment. Factors considered for this transition include feedback from subject teachers (Math, Science, Individuals & Societies, and Language Acquisition), review of current semester grades, consultation with the Language & Literature teacher, and confirmation through WIDA Testing results (to be determined).
image from https://www.ibo.org/globalassets/new-structure/brochures-and-infographics/pdfs/myp-brief-language-literature-en.pdf